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Before we get you signed up, 
would you like to take things, further! 

To be completely honest,
I love people and want the best for you!
I see beneath the eyes, I see the pain we try to hide, I see the insecurity in your responses, I see the power you can't see.
I hear the voice that has been silenced.
I see it and (feel it) ALL.
Sometimes, we just need an answer now, and more importantly we need someone now, too!
I wanted to find a way to connect with you in a meaningful way.
I'm giving you the opportunity to have a one on one session with me.
Yes, just you and me!
That's right, Meet me in Person
For an in person Master-blast session
We will meet at a central location (mutually agreed within M25)

It’ll be your time to allow me into your world of destiny and possibilities!

Normally £997, NOW ONLY £497
ONE 2Hour Session (In Person)


Remember, you have the capacity to clear the old,
the former and what is no longer serving you.
What stands before you is possibility,
my assignment is to help you see it and access it!

Where we'll meet!

In Person Sessions are mutually agreed in advance of our session
(UK within M25, international bookings are currently paused due to uncertainty in travel restrictions)

6 WEEK, 1:2:1, we will set our mutually agreed time each week.
(don't worry if you cannot commit to the same time each week, we are flexible!)

What we'll learn & What you can expect!

You can expect to find your purpose.
You can expect to learn how to accept & acknowledge your past and live the life God has ordained for you to live.
You can expect to identify your emotional blocks.

You can expect to find out what from your past is blocking you accessing the life God has promised.
You can expect to connect to your Calling.
You can expect to develop spiritual awareness on levels not known before.
You can expect to emerge free, with a renewed mindset, no longer bound by the works of your past.

You can expect to believe again.
You can expect to have renewed hope, faith and vision in yourself and God.
You can expect to stand in the knowledge you are Gods child, created to do great exploits.
You can expect to own the fact, you may be the least in the eyes of man, but you are a powerhouse, about to be unleashed in the eyes of God.


The Purpose Journey








I am a  Purpose and Spiritual Alignment Coach.

What does that mean...

Essentially as an ordained Pastor I have come to learn many of us do not fully realise the impact of our past, 

words spoken, emotional and traumatic events and the words individuals have placed upon us​.


We are bombarded with the Word of God, Affirmations & Guru's promising millionaire status in 3-5 steps.

"You've been crying out to God, 'What is my Purpose'"


A Purpose and Spiritual Alignment Coach is me holding your hand through the process and journey of unveiling your God appointed Purpose, as we do this my aim is to Realign you with God's original Purpose and Intent for your life.

The enemy has been busy, but I believe this is your time to turn his antics into your stepping stones to reclaiming who you are in God and allowing yourself to be realigned back to God, His Word, and His Promise for your life.

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Copy of SD Signature - Made with PosterMyWall.png

Our Story

When I started 16 years ago, the word 'Purpose' had to be explained to my  
audiences, it was an unusual word and many hadn't even thought 

about their lives in terms of 'What is their Purpose'.


Fast forward to 2021/22 and its on the lips of every coach, guru and 

life empowerment mentor.

I've remained constant on my Journey with my audiences, 

mentees and business partners.

My message is simple, no gimmicks, hype or exaggerated 



We all have a Purpose, we were all created with something 

unique and special within us, our true joy, happiness and sense of 

being, comes from knowing and living out our purpose.


I found my Purpose in what I'd call an, 'on accident, on purpose' encounter!

I talk about this inside my mentoring room.

You will find I refer to my mentoring as a room as opposed to a platform.



We all perform on platforms...

It's in the room, when the door is locked, when no - one is watching,
that the real us, shows up.


The Purpose Journey Mentoring & Coaching, takes you into your room and we explore what nobody sees but you.

Once we are complete, the purposeful you can take her platform, perform in her purpose and change the world one smile at a time.

What does Group Coaching include?

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